Home - SBI - RBB Bahrain

Attractive Exchange Rates
ATM Card & Internet Banking Facility
Individuals above the age of 21 (of all nationalities) are eligible to open a Savings Bank account. Parent or legal guardian may open account in the name of a minor. The account will be operated by the parent or legal guardian till the minor becomes a major.

Attractive Exchange Rates
ATM Card & Internet Banking Facility
Retail Branch, Bahrain offers rmittances facility at very attractive exchange rates. The remittance facility is available at Branch as well as via online banking facility https://www.onlinesbiglobal.com/. Money transfers are facilitated through a safe and secure channel and can be tracked through every stage of the transaction. The transactions are processed keeping in mind the Anti Money Laundering (AML), OFAC, and other regulatory Norms.

Routing Instructions
ATM Card & Internet Banking Facility
Individuals above the age of 21 (of all nationalities), legal entities such as firms, companies, trusts, clubs, associations, societies etc. are eligible to open current account. Minors are not eligible open current account.